
名言タイマーアプリ 利用規約


















English version

Terms of Use Article 1 (Applicable)

These Terms of Use define the terms and conditions of use of the English vocabulary AI Example Sentence Maker application (hereinafter referred to as "the Application"). This Agreement sets forth the terms and conditions of use of the English vocabulary AI Example Sentence Maker Application ("the Application"). Users shall use the Application upon agreeing to these Terms of Use.

Article 2 (Copyright)

Copyrights to the content (text, images, videos, databases, programs, etc.) contained in this application belong to the Company or a third party with legitimate rights. Users may not reproduce, transmit, transfer, lend, translate, edit, etc. the contents of this application without the prior consent of the Company.

Article 3 (Prohibited Matters)

User shall not engage in any of the following acts
Actions that violate laws and ordinances or public order and moralsActions related to criminal actsActions that interfere with the operation of this application, and other actions that the Company deems inappropriate.

Article 4 (Restriction of Use and Cancellation of Registration)

We may, without prior notice, restrict all or part of the service to you or terminate your registration as a user if you fall under any of the following. (1) In case of violation of any of the provisions of the Terms of Service, (2) In case of any false information in the registration, or (3) In case we deem the use of the Service to be inappropriate.

Article 5 (Disclaimer of Warranty and Disclaimer of Liability)

We do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, reliability, usefulness, etc. of the contents of this application or any information obtained by the user through this application. The Company shall not be held responsible for any and all actions and results of the user's use of this application.

Article 6 (Modification of Agreement)

The Company may change the contents of this Agreement without notice to the User. Any use of this application by the user after any modification of this agreement shall be deemed to constitute acceptance of the modified agreement.

Article 7 (Handling of Personal Information)

Personal information obtained through the use of this application shall be handled appropriately in accordance with our "Privacy Policy.

Article 8 (Governing Law and Jurisdiction)

The interpretation of this agreement shall be governed by the laws of Japan. In the event of any dispute regarding this application, the court having jurisdiction over the location of our head office shall have exclusive jurisdiction.

脱出ゲーム 夏の無人島 プライバシーポリシー

      脱出ゲーム 夏の無人島(以下、本アプリ)をインストールする際のプライバシーポリシーを示します。 本アプリについて 本アプリは課金要素なく完全無料でプレイでき、開発者から個別で金銭に関わる連絡を差し上げることはございません。また、本アプリをインストールしたことによる弊害...